-> 100% abstract data structure.
-> It can contain only constant variables, abstract methods, classes and other interfaces.
-> An interface cannot contain non-abstract functions and variables.
-> We cannot create objects of an interface.
-> On compilation, an interface generates a .class extension file.TestInterface1.java
interface Shapes {
int i = 10;// implicit conversion to public static final int i = 10;
void drawCircle();// public abstract void drawCircle();
class DrawShape1 implements Shapes { //directly implementing Shapes
public void drawCircle() {//Interface methods are implicitly public abstract
"drawCircle() - implemented in DrawShape1.");
public void function1() {
"function1()- implemented in DrawShape1.");
class SomeClass extends DrawShape1 {
//indirectly implementing Shapes via DrawShape1
class DrawShape2 implements Shapes { //directly implementing Shapes
public void drawCircle() {
"drawCircle() - implemented in DrawShape2.");
public void function1() {
"function1()- implemented in DrawShape2.");
class TestInterface1 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
/*DrawShape1 ds1 = new DrawShape1();
DrawShape2 ds2 = new DrawShape2();
ds2.function1(); */
Shapes s = new Shapes(); /*Shapes is abstract and cannot be instantiated*/
Shapes s = new DrawShape2();
s.function1(); /*cannot find symbol function1() in interface Shapes since function1() is invisible to Shape (reference variable s)*/
interface Circle {
void drawCircle();
interface Square {
void drawCircle(int radius);
void drawSquare();
class DrawShape implements Circle, Square {
public void drawCircle(int r) {
System.out.println("This is a circle with a radius of " + r);
public void drawCircle() {
System.out.println("This is a circle.");
public void drawSquare() {
System.out.println("This is a square.");
class TestInterface3 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
DrawShape ds1 = new DrawShape();
interface Circle {
void drawCircle();
interface Square {
void drawSquare();
class Triangle {
public void drawCircle() {
"This is a circle - in Triangle.");
public void drawTriangle() {
"This is a triangle - in Triangle.");
class DrawShape extends Triangle implements Circle, Square {
public void drawCircle() {
"This is a circle - in DrawShape.");
public void drawSquare() {
"This is a square - in DrawShape.");
class TestInterface4 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
DrawShape ds = new DrawShape();
interface Circle {
void drawCircle();
interface Square extends Circle {
void drawSquare();
interface CircleSquareTriangle extends
Circle, Square {
void drawTriangle();
class DrawShape implements CircleSquareTriangle {
public void drawCircle() {
System.out.println("This is a circle.");
public void drawSquare() {
System.out.println("This is a square.");
public void drawTriangle() {
System.out.println("This is a triangle.");
class TestInterface5 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
DrawShape ds1 = new DrawShape();
interface Circle {
void drawCircle();
interface Square {
void drawSquare();
interface Triangle {
void drawTriangle();
interface CircleSquareTriangle extends Circle,Square,Triangle{ // Extending multiple interfaces
class DrawShape implements CircleSquareTriangle {
public void drawCircle() {
System.out.println("This is a circle.");
public void drawSquare() {
System.out.println("This is a square.");
public void drawTriangle() {
System.out.println("This is a triangle.");
class TestInterface6 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
DrawShape ds1=new DrawShape();
-> The modifier final with a method prevents it from being overridden.
A final method cannot be overridden.
-> The modifier final with a class prevents it from being inherited.
A final class cannot be inherited.
-> Return type of functions is not considered in overloading.
-> If the return type is non-primitive then we can use sub-type while overloading the method.
public Rectangle doSomething() {
public Container doSomething() { //overriding
-> While overriding a function the access modifier can only be broadened, widened, or strengthened.
-> While overriding a function if the data type of an identifier is changed in the overridden function, it becomes overloading.
-> Modifier abstract cannot be used in combination with final, private or static.
abstract + final -> abstraction is resolved by overriding the functions, but final prevents the function from being overridden.
abstract + private -> abstraction is resolved by overriding the functions in the sub-class, but private members are not inherited.
abstract + static -> static methods can be referred to by qualifying using class-name. Abstract methods are not definitive and hence make no sense.-> implements - has a relationship.
-> extends - is a relationship.
-> An interface can extend one or more interfaces.
-> A class can extend only one class.
-> A class can implement one or more interfaces.
-> An interface cannot extend a class, since nothing can be non-abstract in an interface.
-> In Java, multiple inheritance can be attained only with the involvement of interface(s).
-> Where ever an interface is expected, we can pass the instance of a class that directly or indirectly implements the interface.